Sunday, January 6, 2013

Set Nemo as Default File Manager in Ubuntu

Nemo is a file manager application developed by Linux Mint team. It is a fork of Nautilus, the GNOME's file manager. In the beginning, Nemo was just Nautilus 3.4 (Nautilus version which is forked to become Nemo) with different name.

With rapid development and improvement, Nemo now become a full-featured file manager with lots of features, more customizable, and looks beter (in my opinion) than its original (Nautilus).

Nemo is the default file manager in Linux Mint, to handle folder and also handle the desktop. You can also easily install Nemo in Ubuntu if you want which is just apt-get away using a PPA (read more: How to install Nemo in Ubuntu),

When you install Nemo in Ubuntu, it doesn't set itself as the default file manager, Nautilus remains as the default one. If you want to integrate Nemo into Ubuntu system (as the default folder handler), you have to do it manually.

Here I want to share simple command to set Nemo as the default file manager in Ubuntu.

We will invoke the xdg-mime command from, which is standard command and installed by default in most Linux distribution including Ubuntu. It can be use to set an application (*.desktop file) as the default file opening a certain file type(s) (mime-type). You can also use it to find out what application on your system to handle type(s) of file.

You can run this command in Terminal to show the default app for folder:
xdg-mime query default inode/directory
By default, the output of the command in Ubuntu should be nautilus.desktop.

Set Nemo As Default File Manager

If you have Nemo installed on your system and want to set Nemo as the default file manager, run this command in Terminal:
xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search

Now Nemo (nemo.desktop app launcher to be exact) should be the default file manager (folder handler). To test the result, run this command:
xdg-open $HOME

That command should launch Nemo showing your home directory.

The xdg-mime command should be available and can be used in most Linux distribution, not only in Ubuntu. If you want to know more about the xdg-mime command, simply run this command in Terminal: xdg-mime --help or man xdg-mime.


Set Nemo To Handle Desktop

In Ubuntu, Nautilus is set to handle desktop by default (to manage desktop icons, menu, etc), and if you have Nemo installed, there will be a conflict, both will be automatically loaded every time you logging in, to take control of the desktop.

If you want to stop Nautilus from handling the desktop and want to set Nemo instead, you can do the followings:

  1. Disable desktop handling by Nautilus
    Run this command in Terminal:
    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false
  2. Make sure Nemo is set to handle desktop
    Run this command:
    gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true

Thanks to Cursor (see comment below) for pointing this out.


PS: Still, sorry for my English :)


  1. Many thanks for this useful post.

  2. Didn't solve the problem for me as I had changed the default file manager in inode/directory. What did solve it was, removing the xdg autostart file for nautilus as follows:

    sudo rm /etc/xdg/autostart/nautilus-autostart.desktop

    This file causes Nautilus to start up as well as Nemo, and both struggle for control.

    1. Nautilus/Nemo autostart launcher will NOT make it default. It's just for being automatically started when you logging in, so that it can handle desktop (to manage desktop icons and other things) as soon as the desktop is loaded, only if it is set to handle the desktop.

      Command to stop/unset Nautilus to handle desktop (without quotes):
      "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false"

      Set Nemo to handle desktop:
      "gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true"

      PS: I personally tend to avoid modifying system-wide files (using sudo command) if I can.

      To make nautilus/nemo as default file manager, you need to set XDG mime configuration for it (as I wrote in the post above). XDG is used as a standard system in most DE in Linux including GNOME to manage various desktop/session configurations, one of them is file type associations management.

      One example: If you download a file from internet via a browser and then select "Open containing folder", the browser most likely will call XDG to launch file manager (not call Nemo or Nautilus specifically). Then XDG will look for default app that has been set to handle folder.

      Anyway, thanks, I'll update this post :D


    2. when i type: gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true
      i get: without the key 'show-desktop-icons'
      what to do now? desktop doesn't show anything anymore....

  3. Thanks, Nemo is much better that nautilus.

  4. Thanks, Nemo is much better that nautilus.

  5. when i type: gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true
    i get: without the key 'show-desktop-icons'
    what to do now? desktop doesn't show anything anymore....

  6. I have the same problem as Πηλέας.

    gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true
    No such key 'show-desktop-icons'

    I then entered gsettings /? to learn how to use gsettings and then checked to see if the key even exists.

    gsettings list-keys org.nemo.desktop

    And the conclusion is it does not exist and it can't be created without editing the schema which I don't know how to do nor have the time right now to learn. After all, I'm not 15 years old any more. At 34, I have to teach 8 classes a day, spend time with my family and work on other projects. I can't be everywhere at once and learn everything under the sun.

    So... I just

    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true

    And at least the icons show up on my desktop again. I did verify that nemo is my default file manager, but I guess it's not handling the desktop. Oh well.

    So what version of Linux are you running? I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 64bit with Cinnamon installed as my desktop. And I'm pretty new to Linux. Well, I used it way...... back when I was in high school. That was 15 years ago! It sure has changed. It's so much better now. I just started using it again a few months ago.

    1. i run ubuntu 12.04.02 lts but like cinnamon much better than unity.... so i just uninstalled nautilus and it auto-uninstalled unity as well but on the other hand after you put
      " gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true " nemo handles the desktop at last... Unfortunately if i log off and then log in again nemo won't start be his own and i just have to open a random directory so that my desktop icons are visible again...
      PS it is soo difficult to post a comment in this site... you guys should give more options in the open id profile

  7. OK now i think i got it!! you just instal ubuntu tweak and then you go to the admins tab and you select (into the system section) files association or whatever it says about files (i got the translated version so i don't know what it says in the english one). After you open that up into the left menu you go to "show all" and then you uncheck the box for showing only associated files. Then you go to "all files and folders" and you choose files from the list of apps or you put nemo as command and that is all!! done!!
    PS I am so happy it is my first time fixing something...


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